Love Movie

Love movies and love songs go hand in hand. Love Song named one of her favorite songs. Let’s see her favorite movie:

The best feel-good movie.

Some people argue against P.S. I Love You being a romance for two primary reasons.

First, Holly’s husband. Gerry, died. Death doesn’t belong in a romance.

My Answer: But it does. A contemporary romance, which P.S. I Love You is, focuses on real life and therefore real-world experiences. No sugar-coating life. Love occurring as people live their lives doesn’t get more romantic than that!

Second, P.S. I Love You didn’t have a happily ever after (HEA). Romances must have that HEA.

My Answer: True, but today’s definition of the romance genre tolerates a happy for now (HFN). The movie did have an HFN. The sexual attraction between Holly and William was palpable. Knowing Holly had emotional baggage from losing Gerry, William still accepted her for her. Before the credits rolled, their happiness at seeing each other was an HFN. An HFN implies a sequel.

Am I going to get to see where Holly and William’s story goes?

I hope so.

Anyway, some people argue for P.S. I Love You being a romance.

That’s me.

The flashbacks of Holly and Gerry meeting in Ireland,

Holly asked Gerry for directions to Wicklow Mountains National Park.

sharing an awkward first kiss, and

meeting again by chance at an Irish pub

Holly returned Gerry’s leather jacket as he played the guitar for her.

began their journey together. The meet-cute requirement of a contemporary romance satisfied. Real life continued. Holly was a college student from America, studying abroad while Gerry was an Irishman.

The scavenger hunt Gerry planned to take place after his death showed their undying commitment to each other.

The scavenger hunt culminated in Ireland where Holly and Gerry first met. He wore the leather jacket she had returned at the Irish pub.

Even on his sickest of days, she was on his mind.

Remember these?

Then again, maybe it was just Gerry’s accent that mesmerized my heart. LOL!

One More Thing

The movie premise reminded me of my existence. Here’s a woman in her thirties. She wasn’t afraid to love again in the face of tragedy. Losing a soul mate, especially so early in a marriage is a happening no one deserves. In a way, Holly represented me.

What is your favorite love movie? Why?

Published by StoryTeller00713

I am a new writer with creative writing as a strong passion of mine.

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