Love Song

Launching an author website that announces stories about love, as hers does, wouldn’t be appropriate without at least partial mention of love songs. Take a listen to one of her favorites:

It’s a timeless song.

There isn’t anything more romantic than receiving a handwritten letter in the mail from your special someone. Think of the time and effort that goes into such a letter. First, pull out a chair at a desk and sit in it. Second, reach for a piece of paper and a pen. Third, compose a note. Fourth, fold the note into thirds. Fifth, open the top drawer and get out an envelope and a stamp. Sixth, slide the piece of folded paper into the envelope. Seventh, lick it shut but get a paper cut on tongue in the process. Eighth, address the envelope. Ninth, put stamp in the upper-right corner. Phew! I’m tired from writing those steps, let alone doing them. Remember, your special someone goes through all that just for you!

One Letter has One Recipient
Not Multiple Recipients as with a Group Text or an e-mail

Deciding to sit down is the most impressive action. It’s something that sending a text message doesn’t necessitate. Anyone can stand to send a text. In fact, a text is usually sent that way because society requires its citizens to multitask. This means a text doesn’t carry the same weight or have the same sexiness a letter does.

It can’t. Plain and simple.

Another thing … The very fact of you having to wait for the mailperson to arrive creates a sense of anticipation that flutters butterflies in your stomach. A text can’t mimic that feeling because a text is instantaneous. It shows up automatically on the screen of a cell phone or an iPad. No need to tear open an envelope, which would generate more butterflies. Distance — the miles between the mailperson and you — makes the heart grow fonder for your special someone. Clutch your melted heart as the mailperson finally hands you something as small as an envelope or as big as a box. Size is irrelevant at this point.

That’s why receiving a handwritten letter in the mail from your special someone is the most romantic gesture. Relationships take work. I didn’t make the rules or the feelings most people want to experience. I’m only giving you a hopeful romantic’s perspective.

What is your favorite love song? Why?

Published by StoryTeller00713

I am a new writer with creative writing as a strong passion of mine.

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